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Children's Ministry


Southern Heights believes a key element in a family’s spiritual development is the discipleship of children.  We have placed a strong emphasis on reaching our kids with the gospel message of redemption, and the ongoing growth of children after salvation.  We have multiple means to achieve this goal:

AWANA (“Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”) is the foundation of our Children’s Ministry.  It is a ministry that is rooted and founded on the reading, understanding, application, and memorization of Scripture. AWANA provides core values that will serve as moral and spiritual guides for the formation of each child’s character, making them better citizens, students, friends, and better sons and daughters within their homes. SHBC believes that children can learn life lessons from the Word that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.  


Yearly highlights of AWANA include monthly awards for progress and attendance, an end-of-semester AWANA Store promotion that rewards the achievement of certain learning goals, an annual Pine Car Derby which allows each child to build their own race car and then enter them into a formal competition, and many more special events along the way.


AWANA usually meets on Wednesday nights from 5:45-7:15 pm. As of right now, AWANA is not meeting due to COVID.


KIDZ PRAZE is a music and drama ministry for children that meets in the spring and fall to learn and present Christ-centered musicals.  The fall session prepares our kids for a Christmas drama that is a community-wide event.  The spring session usually centers around a fun theme with a valuable spiritual message.


KIDZ PRAZE meets on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm.  Stay tuned for specific dates to be determined in the near future.  


Vacation Bible School is our premier children’s event every year.  It is a fast-paced week of fun, learning, games, sports, singing, study, and drama. That’s a lot. It keeps our kids moving. We love it and, in a word— it's HUGE!  We go all out! We want VBS to be one of the most memorable experiences of a child's life! 


VBS is scheduled each year in June and runs from 6:00 – 9:00 pm Monday through Friday with a big VBS Finale on the following Sunday morning with the kids leading our worship service.  Exact dates will be posted. To say that we love VBS is an understatement!

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